Bando tamasaburo biography of mahatma

Biography of mahatma gandhi

June Bandô Kinoji takes the name of Bandô Tamasaburô V at the Kabukiza, playing the roles of Otama and Omiyo in the dramas "Shinjû Yai ha Kôri no Tsuitachi" and "Hachidaime Missing: mahatma.

bando tamasaburo biography of mahatma

Bando tamasaburo biography of mahatma

In the traditional world of Japanese kabuki theatre,Bando Tamasaburo is already legendary - considered to be one of its most important leading onnagata g: mahatma.

Bando tamasaburo biography of mahatma gandhi

Bandō Tamasaburō (坂東 玉三郎) is a stage name taken on by a series of kabuki actors of the Bandō family.

Bando Tamasaburo
Bandō Tamasaburō V is a Kabuki actor, and the most popular and celebrated onnagata currently on stage.