Eleni tsakopoulos kounalakis and markos kounalakis wife
Where does eleni kounalakis live
Eleni Kounalakis married her spouse, print, and broadcast journalist Markos Kounalakis, in the year The pair has two sons, Neo and Eon, as a result of their marriage.
Eleni kounalakis mother
Committed to the advancement of Hellenic ideals, she and her husband, veteran journalist Markos Kounalakis, endowed university Chairs at Georgetown and Stanford dedicated to the study of .
Eleni kounalakis ethnicity
Ambassador Kounalakis is a staunch advocate of interfaith dialogue, and served for nearly ten years as a Trustee of the World Council of Religions for Peace.
Eleni kounalakis father
Eleni Kounalakis, former U.S. ambassador to Hungary, confirmed Monday that she is running for lieutenant governor in Kounalakis of San Francisco is a longtime .